Skrotnisse har desverre ikke så god peiling på dette. Jeg har riktignok 1800, men det automatiske set up'et fungerte såpass godt at jeg ikke har følt behov for å etterjustere noe.
Men jeg mener dette var en av hovedforskjellene mellom 1800 og 3800, på sistnevnte hadde du muligheten for å etterjustere frekvensene mens 1800 manglet dette.
Fra manualen til 1800:
Parametric equalizer type EQ
Parametric equalizer adjusts the level of the specified
frequency bands. This unit automatically selects the
crucial frequency bands for the listening room and
adjusts the level of the selected frequency bands to
create a cohesive sound field in the room. You can
select the type of the parametric equalizer adjustment
from the following choices.
• Select “NATURAL” to average out the frequency
response of all speakers with higher frequencies
being less emphasized. Recommended if the FLAT
setting sounds a little harsh.
• Select “FLAT” to average the frequency response
of all speakers. Recommended if all of your
speakers are of similar quality.
• Select “FRONT” to adjust the frequency response
of each speaker in accordance with the sound of
your front speakers. Recommended if your front
speakers are of much higher quality than your other
Vet dog at DevilEj har fiklet endel med dette og formoder at han kan komme med et bedre svar
[url=][b][u]Skrot-teaterets Diskusjonstråd[/u][/b][/url]
[url=][b][u][color=red]Skrot-Teateret in living colors[/b][/u][/color][/url]